Analysing Google Location data with R

This post is part of a series of posts to analyse the digital me. Analyse Google Location data with R Google is happily tracking my every move, thanks to my Android Samsung phone and poor privacy setting skills. Google collects my data about my movement through their location tracker. A lot of data! In this blog I will explore the location data Google has collected about me since 2016. Read More

Visualize and analyse IMDB ratings with R (part 2)

Visualize and analyse IMDB ratings with R (part 2) This post is part of a series of posts to analyse the digital me. In my previous post about analysing IMDB ratings in this series I explored some of the data I collected about my movie preferences, also compared to the ratings other IMDB raters. In this post I will dig a little deeper to learn more about my own personal movie preferences. Read More

Visualize and analyse IMDB ratings with R

This post is part of a series of posts to analyze the digital me. Visualize and analyse IMDB ratings with R In my previous post in this series I shared how I collect and store my personal ratings data from IMDB and enrich it with a few important variables about the movie. In this post I will explore the data to learn about my movie preferences. I will be using some R packages to structure the data properly and other packages to build plots: Read More