Understanding Composable CDP's

Understanding Composable CDP’s One of the new hot topics in tech is the “Composable CDP.” Databricks is sharing a good definition of a Composable CDP in their article written together with Hightouch and Snowplow Analytics. “A Composable CDP consists of the same components as their off-the-shelf counterparts; Data Collection, Data Storage and Modeling, and Data Activation. By implementing a best-in-class product at each layer of the Composable CDP, organizations can achieve a far more extensible CDP solution that can solve problems well beyond the common use cases of off-the-shelf CDPs. Read More

What's happening in Digital Analytics

What’s happening in Digital Analytics in 2023 When you go online or to conferences you can find a ton of resources about Digital Analytics. The vast majority of content seems to be related to marketing technology. The transition from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is an instigator for martech providers and consultants to focus on technology in digital analytics. I appreciate the value of collecting quality data in a technical solution for analysis and configuring tools to get the most out of them, but don’t be fooled, there’s more going on in the digital analytics space. Read More