Google Tag Manager Server-side

Google Tag Manager Server-side Google Tag Manager server-side is a way of running Google Tag Manager on a server instead of in the browser (client-side). It can potentially have a huge impact on the way you collect data for the user. This article is not going to be a how-to guide to using Google Tag Manager server-side. Instead, it will be an outline of some of the most important advantages and concerns related to this new product. Read More

How to add Google Tag Manager to Hugo static website

How to add Google Tag Manager to a Hugo static website In this article I will provide a step-by-step instruction and code samples on how to implement Google Tag Manager and a datalayer to your Hugo static website. As a digital analytics consultant I can appreciate the value a good Google Tag Manager (GTM) implementation can have for your business or even to optimize your user’s blog experience. How to add the standard Google Tag Manager container to a Hugo website To make sure that Google Tag Manager is enabled, we will have to include the Google Tag Manager container. Read More

How to create Google Tag Manager documentation with R

Create Google Tag Manager documentation with R Creating digital data documentation can be a painstaking, boring, but extremely useful endeavor. Knowing what digital data is available to you and others can be helpful to understand the potential of your data set, as well as provide context to analysis, reporting and other ways to leverage data. To take some of the effort out of creating documentation about the contents of your Google Tag Manager account, I have created a script that pulls data out of the environment and outputs a simple Excel file, which you can share with stakeholders. Read More