Martijn van Vreeden

Digital Analytics

Understanding Composable CDP's

Understanding Composable CDP’s One of the new hot topics in tech is the “Composable CDP.” Databricks is sharing a good definition of a Composable CDP in their article written together with Hightouch and Snowplow Analytics. “A Composable CDP consists of the same components as their off-the-shelf counterparts; Data Collection, Data Storage and Modeling, and Data Activation. By implementing a best-in-class product at each layer of the Composable CDP, organizations can achieve a far more extensible CDP solution that can solve problems well beyond the common use cases of off-the-shelf CDPs. [Read More]

What's happening in Digital Analytics

What’s happening in Digital Analytics in 2023 When you go online or to conferences you can find a ton of resources about Digital Analytics. The vast majority of content seems to be related to marketing technology. The transition from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is an instigator for martech providers and consultants to focus on technology in digital analytics. I appreciate the value of collecting quality data in a technical solution for analysis and configuring tools to get the most out of them, but don’t be fooled, there’s more going on in the digital analytics space. [Read More]

Google Tag Manager Server-side

Google Tag Manager Server-side Google Tag Manager server-side is a way of running Google Tag Manager on a server instead of in the browser (client-side). It can potentially have a huge impact on the way you collect data for the user. This article is not going to be a how-to guide to using Google Tag Manager server-side. Instead, it will be an outline of some of the most important advantages and concerns related to this new product. [Read More]

Understanding retention with customer feedback data

To get a better understanding of customer behavior in relation to the quality of the product and services a company provides, we often use customer feedback forms. We all know the concepts of NPS, CES or other ways of getting an understanding of customer satisfaction. What are the biggest differences and which one predicts retention most reliably? Let’s find out. [Read More]

10 Things you need to know about the new Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 is Google's answer to the changing digital landscape we are dealing with as analysts. In this article I will share 10 things you need to know about the new Google Analytics 4 tool. Consider it a simple way to explain what Google Analytics 4 is and the most important things you need to know to get started and figure out if it is important for you to use. [Read More]

Hugo shortcode to serve images in next-gen formats

Hugo shortcode to serve images in next-gen formats In my last blogpost I shared 10 ways to improve your Hugo website performance. My last tip was to serve images in next-gen formats. This could improve the performance of your website significantly. Eventhough there are multiple next-gen formats you can integrate, the best browser compatibility will come by using WebP, created by Google. Unfortunately, not all browsers support this format yet (looking at you, Safari! [Read More]

10 Ways to improve your (Hugo) website performance

Website performance matters. Even if I would selfishly ignore all other human visitors to my website, I would be supporting Google's mission to make the web faster and help myself climb the ranks of Google. In this article I describe 10 ways to make your Hugo website (or any other website) faster and give users a better experience. [Read More]

How to create Google Tag Manager documentation with R

Creating digital data documentation can be a painstaking, boring, but extremely useful endeavor. Knowing what digital data is available to you and others can be helpful to understand the potential of your data set, as well as provide context to analysis, reporting and other ways to leverage data. To take some of the effort out of creating documentation about the contents of your Google Tag Manager account, I have created a script that pulls data out of the environment and outputs a simple Excel file, which you can share with stakeholders. [Read More]